WG6100 quick fixes

From: <Artfromnys_at_aol.com>
Date: Thu Oct 23 2003 - 22:26:12 EDT

No vector sounds, spot killer on, HV ok     shorted D701, D600 (use NTE 519
or similar to replace, fast switching, do not use basic diodes, original was
1N914)  Also check the 2200 ohm resistor in the base circuit of Q701/601 -
overheated and measuring around 7000 ohms, replace
Vector sounds, scoped good vector signals through entire deflection circuit
including yoke, spot killer on no display       ground wire from CRT socket to
monitor frame disconnected
No high voltage open (burnt) 15 ohm half watt resistor in middle of HV
PCB case of horiz output transistor shorted to ground      physically dinged
insulator under transistor, cracked mica allowing short - replace mica and resistor
1200 ohm resistor feeding the spot killer LED overheated and brown in the
middle, spot killer works - I changed it on principle and the new one is running
nice and cool - speculate that the monitor was left on for extended period
with spot killer LED on?


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Received on Thu Oct 23 22:28:04 2003

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