Re: Saving Hiscores (Star Wars)

From: <>
Date: Tue May 04 2004 - 03:12:16 EDT

Like Tempest...

Damn! Guess I'll have to do a lot better then...


> The reason that Star Wars is not saving your high score is that it only
> stores the top three scores into the EAROM. The Empire Strikes Back stores
> the top 10.
> Regards,
> Joel-
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: MyPearl
> To:
> Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 4:59 PM
> Subject: VECTOR: Saving Hiscores (Star Wars)
> Hello Guys,
> When exactly writes Star Wars the Hiscore in the EAROM (X2212 chip)?
> Mine saves the game options perfectly, but never records any hiscore (best
> I could do is 9th place).
> The EAROM test says its okay.
> Can't imagine the EAROM is bad, writing options but no scores?
> Thanks,
> Mendel

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