FA: Cosmic Chasm parts and other arcade parts

From: Hendrix, Jeff <Jeff_Hendrix_at_maxtor.com>
Date: Fri Dec 10 2004 - 12:01:16 EST

I've decided to clean out some of my arcade game projects and spare
I was planning on building a Cosmic Chasm game from a dragon's lair
cabinet and have obtained almost all the guts to a Cosmic Chasm, but
have decided my basement is probably as full of games as my wife will
let and I still have games in the garage, so I'm going to let me Cosmic
Chasm parts go.
I have a PCB, control panel, marquee, monitor bezel, and wiring harness.
I'm also selling a tempest cocktail control panel, tempest upright cp,
tempest marquee, star wars panel, and a bunch of other things.


(you can also just search for Cosmic Chasm on eBay and you will find

I have a bunch of stuff that's not on eBay (at least not yet)
I have a working Atari Catbox that I might be willing to part with (if
the price is right).
I have several color xy monitors in different states (I could probably
get a few working) that my wife wouldn't mind me getting rid of to free
up some space.
I have a ton of coin doors (mostly atari).
I have lots of PCBs (some working, some not, and some unknown) and I
want to get down to maybe one box. PCB's include - tempest (at least a
dozen), asteroids, space duel, cinematronics (most of which were working
last time I checked, but don't have a cinematronics machine anymore),
etc. and several non-vector - agent X, millipede, pac man, etc.

Let me know if anybody is interested in any of this stuff. (ps. It might
take me a while to dig through this stuff and check the status of a
board (if possible) or fix a monitor, but I'll eventually do it)


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