Re: Go5/801 probs (Asteroids)

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Sat Jan 01 2005 - 19:20:01 EST

Maybe Wickman, see
for a picture of the Wickman version of the Littlefuse Picofuse.
Digikey only sells the Wickman version in reels of 2500, but have the
Littlefuse available in single lots.

 From the Digikey home page do a search for "pico fuse" (the space has
to be there).

Mouser also has the Littlefuse Picofuse, but their search engine is
harder to use, just go to to
show the catalog page.

peter jones wrote:

>-----Original Message-----
>From: "David Pinckney" <>
>To: <>
>Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2005 19:08:18 -0000
>Subject: Re: VECTOR: Go5/801 probs (Asteroids)
>>Are these Pico fuses the same thing as Wickman fuses ? A mate of mine seems to think they are, I've been looking around on the net but cant seem to find any pics of them...
>no, wickman fuses are in a plastic cap and the pins are 10mm apart.
>your looking for these i asume?
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