Re[2]: Cocktail BZ

From: peter jones <>
Date: Sat Jul 09 2005 - 03:12:01 EDT

-----Original Message-----
From: "Clay Cowgill" <>
To: <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2005 13:50:12 -0700
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Cocktail BZ

> He said that the display was B/W only (no overlay) because they couldn't
> think of a good way to handle the overlay colors since the display flipped
> for each player and coloring the radar would mean the playfield being red on
> the bottom...
> -Clay

i was thinking about that,
i would have used a colour tube and made an analog comparater/window circuit to switch the gundrive around acording to the raster position by taking a tap from the scancoils.

2 ciruits,
1st circuit - vertical.
if the beam is below a specific point then power the green gun only.

2nd circuit - horizontal.
if the beam is below a specific threshhold IE it's near the middle (radar) then red gun only.
otherwise use some other combo to give the scores a different colour.

that's if i got the colours right, i havnt owned a bz for about 15years.

prety simple though if you think about it, just the extra expense of a colour tube.

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