A little OT-ish, kinda sorta, is there a Z80 based vector game?

From: Paul Maddern <paul_at_arcadegeek.co.uk>
Date: Fri Jul 22 2005 - 09:15:23 EDT

Hey all


I've just bought a fully working catbox with a Z80 pod, which is something
I've been after for ages (no it's not for sale!) But. The Z80 pod doesn't
have a connector with it and although I could possibly knock something up
myself, I'd really rather not. I don't suppose for a minute that the cable
is the same as a Fluke Z80 pod cable? Does anyone know? Okay so they're
both exceedingly rare to find but at least it'll give me two options as
opposed to just the one! :o)


The cable I need is simply a 40 pin edge connector to ribbon cable which
terminates in a 40 pin socket.


Any ideas anyone?


Thank you



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Received on Fri Jul 22 09:15:36 2005

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