Some Sega updates for VectorMAME

From: tom mcclintock <>
Date: Sun Mar 19 2006 - 12:40:54 EST

Not yet implemented in the DOS version, but the latest code update to the
Sega vector driver has these attributes:

Sega vector game updates: [Aaron Giles]
 - Rewrote vector generator from schematics. Yes, it is supposed to
be that jumpy on zooms!
 - Corrected CPU speeds and cleaned up memory maps.
 - Connected AY-8912 to Zektor for missing sound effects.
 - Added emulation of the Universal Sound Board -- not yet perfected,
but gets rid of the need for samples in Star Trek and Tac/Scan.
Tac/Scan sounds pretty wretched now, but Star Trek is close.
 - Fixed CPU clock speed on the speech board, but it appears to be a
bit too slow now.
 - This is still work-in-progress. Don't report bugs yet.

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