Re: Red HV: It's Alive...

From: Alpha1 <>
Date: Sun Mar 26 2006 - 19:55:41 EST

My Quantum has an original red HV, never given me any problems!!

(just jinxed myself)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jess Askey" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 10:43 PM
Subject: VECTOR: Red HV: It's Alive...

> This is sort of an odd story so I figured I would post it here...
> about 10 years ago I was given about 7 Amplifone HV units that were all
> non-working. At the time, I put each one in my SW to see if I had HV out
> of any of them... alas, all 7 were dead.. they all had original REDs on
> them so that made sense. So, I threw them into a crate and they sat
> outside in my garage for the last 10 years.
> Today, I decided I was going to try Simon's 6100 Transformer hack on my
> Alpha 1 cabinet (My SW cockpit is currently using the HV unit from the
> Alpha 1 with a Wintron in it). Both HV units are in the SW which is at my
> friends house so I had to go find the box of 7 HV units and pick one to
> use as the test unit. I sorted through them all and found a nice Blue PCB
> HV unit that was burn free and complete as far as I could tell and brought
> that one in the house. I cleaned it up and while doing so spotted cracked
> solder connections on all the 24V regulator pins. I also found that it was
> missing it's MC1. After snagging another MC1 from another unit, I threw it
> in the game and turned it on so I could measure the +/- 24V and make sure
> all looked good for the conversion... Everything measured okay. I powered
> it down and started checking the BU406D, it was shorted at 28 ohms between
> all pins. I dug around and found my spares, upon removing the old BU406D,
> I found the screw holding it to the heatsink, very very loose. I replaced
> it, gave it a little silicone grease, tightened it up and was ready to
> pull out the HV transformer. At this point, after finding all these
> problems, I figured it was worth the time to see if it ran as with all
> these other issues being cleared up... well, to make a long story not
> quite as long, it worked... so I now have my Alpha 1 up and running with
> an original red in place. since I don't turn the game on very much maybe
> it will last a year. :-)
> It has been running about 30 minutes so far... I will send an update when
> it fails which may be later today. :-)
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Received on Sun Mar 26 19:55:53 2006

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