Sega Vector Free Play

From: Mark Jenison <>
Date: Thu Apr 13 2006 - 00:37:46 EDT

Hi all,

I am close to finishing up on my first Sega vector free play ROM hack. The
ROM hack will allow Eliminator 4-player owners to be able to start their
Eliminator 4-player by simply pressing the fire button of the ship they
would like to play; no annoying "press in for .56 seconds or it fails" stuff
either; one press should do it. And it's not like the proto elim4 roms,
where a single press credits all the ships; any number of players can get in
for free just by pressing their fire button.

The hack will require 2 EPROMs to be replaced; the last one (1360) and the
CPU eprom (1390).

I'm sure the one or two other people on this group that own this game will
be estatic :-)

Ok, so not many people care if this game has free play; self interest
motivated me to do this hack. However, since I now have a better
understanding about how coining is done in these games, could probably reuse
some of the code to implement free play in those games as well.

Email letting me know your preference as to which sega
vector game is set up for free play first.

Just copy the following text into your email, giving each game a unique
ranking from 1 to 5 (change the numbers in the example to your ranking

1 Space Fury
2 Eliminator
3 Zektor
4 Star Trek
5 Tac/Scan

On a separate note: I think the eliminator4player roms on the site that say security free are actually for the normal
version of eliminator 4-player, not the prototype version.

Also, I noticed a bug with the security free version of elim4player that one
of the letters
in the high scores is corrupted. Is this a side effect of the security free
conversion process, or a bug in the conversion process itself? Maybe one
was missed?

Lastly, if anyone understands the "checksum" process of the sega xy test
routine, that would be a big help. The code runs fine, but the self-test
reports an error in the eprom because the checksum check now fails for eprom
1360. Just an annoying side effect of the rom hack I'd like to get rid of.

Mark Jenison
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