Re: Spade Duel video problems

From: peter jones <>
Date: Sun Jul 09 2006 - 04:09:57 EDT

-----Original Message-----
From: Chas Gantz <>
Date: Sun, 09 Jul 2006 00:04:09 -0700
Subject: VECTOR: Spade Duel video problems

> My monitor was capped about 2 years ago. I've maybe played 20 games
> on it total. It seldom gets turned on.
> Any ways, I turned it on, and within 10-15 minutes I started to see
> the vector lines going to the center of the screen, and also
> everything on the screen started to get larger. I quickly shut it off
> and I turned it back on after a while and everything is still large
> and I still see the vector lines.
> In the past I have left it on for 30 minutes or so w/o any problems.
> Any ideas on what went bad??
> Thanks in advance
> Chas
you need to start by saying what make/model of monitor you have, but it sounds like the voltages have jumped.

these lines to the center, are they faint and coming from the corners of the objects?

is the picture too bright?

what is large? a bit bogger or massive?
is the overall picture to big so it goes off the edge of the screen or just the objects?

more info!

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Received on Sun Jul 9 04:10:00 2006

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