Re: Obscure Battlezone AVG board fault

From: Phil Morris <>
Date: Tue Aug 29 2006 - 18:26:28 EDT

>Rodger is correct. You don't have a problem. You need to disable the
>watchdog for all tests. Just look at all of the things that the /RESET
>line connects to (NMI, state machine, aux board, etc) and you can see that
>a reset effects a LOT more than just the CPU. Test another working board
>for comparison. You will get the same results.

That's just the thing though, I don't get the same results. I have other
good working BZ boards and none of them exhibit this (intermittent) fault.
I've also in the past tested many other types of Atari vector boards and
none have done this (and I haven't needed to disable the watchdog on them

Remember that when this mad toggling of 'R/W OK' and R/W ERR' occurs, the
ROM signature test via the Fluke returns the corrects sigs either (unless
of course I disable the watchdog). The test code on the board also won't
run if this problem is showing up on the Fluke - once the problem *stops*
occurring on the Fluke then the on-board test works just fine.

Puzzled? Yup, me too. :)


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