Star Wars Self-Test

From: Paul Maddern <>
Date: Thu Sep 07 2006 - 15:01:10 EDT

Hey All

Just a quick question; my Star Wars PCB self-test reports all ROM and RAM
okay, but how accurate is this? I appear to be having buffer problems as
all the data and address lines on the Rom and Ram appear to be floating low.
I don't understand how the self-test can be reporting that everything is
fine, although it does 'bloop' correctly when the RAMs are removed

I'm pretty sure it's the 74LS245 at 1K which is at fault but I'm loath to
replace it as the self-test is putting me off. Pins 2 to 9 (the DVG lines)
are all floating low though but I get the feeling are must be overlooking

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Thank you


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