amplifone deflection pots

From: Rodney Minch <>
Date: Tue Apr 10 2007 - 11:27:48 EDT

I've got an Amplifone deflection board (green) in my Quantum that I've
rebuilt but I had to remove the 10k pots that were mounted on the resistors
for x/y size control as they were not stable. Actually, I was adjusting the
x size pot on the deflection board and resistors R30 and R31 went up in
flames and about scared the crap out of me as my fingers were right next to
it. I pulled the board out and found that along with blowing the fuse at
F2, it took out the 3716/3792s, the MPSU57 and the diode at CR11.

I can adjust the x/y size with the pots on the game board and the horizontal
is fine (the monitor is mounted vertically in Quantum) but the vertical is
all the way off the screen, no matter how much I adjust the size and lin
pots on the game board. You can barely see the Credits line at the bottom
of the screen during attract mode.

Question: why were the 10k pots added to these deflection boards later? Was
it to make it easier for ops to adjust the x/y size or was there another

So it looks like I need to get new 10k pots for the deflection board. Where
can I order these online (mouser?) and what would be the part #? Also,
these pots were originally soldered to the legs of the two resistors. Is it
ok to just remove the two resistors and install the pot in there place or do
you have to keep the resistors in circuit?

I ordered one of Mark's replacement flybacks from Arcadeshop and have it
running on my blue HV board in this Quantum. That fired up fine tho I still
need to dial in the HV with the probe I picked up. I found out during the
install of the flyback that the blue board requires you to move the diode at
CR3 to the solder side of the board or the flyback will not mount properly
on the board. Mark has updated the instructions to include this.



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