Asteroids Blues

From: Robert Gonyer <>
Date: Fri May 25 2007 - 13:09:04 EDT

Good thing it's a long weekend so I can forget about my troubles, lol.


Board #1 is the one that was buzzing really loudly. I am 100% sure it's the
board, because another board (that used to work 99%) didn't buzz at all in
this cabinet. I replaced all the caps on the board, plugged her in in
anticipation that I was gonna get a game in.. and BUZZZZZZZZZ.. I couldn't
believe it. Any other ideas?


Board #2 is the one that you all helped me find a bad chip using freeze
spray. It turned out to be the one directly above the CPU. (74LS245N)
Sound like the right part? I know it didn't match the #'s on the original,
but I figured Bob knew what he was sending me, and it was the right pinout.
Symptoms before was that the game would play fine for a couple hours, then
it was start flaking out as it got warm. Freeze spray to this chip brought
it back to life. I replaced this chip, now it flakes out constantly, won't
even come up. Clicking from the coin door, random noises, etc. I have
replaced lots of chips before, so I don't THINK I did it wrong, but it is
certainly possible. Any other ideas?


Maybe I just need to send them both in and have them gone over... This is
too frustrating for me!


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