Re: Another CCPU HDL model appears.

From: Ed Henciak <>
Date: Fri Apr 17 2009 - 20:34:17 EDT

This is outstanding news :-)! Keep up the great work!!!!


Chris Leyson wrote:
> Hi Jason, apologies for the somewhat late post, been busy getting bugs
> out the RTL CCPU.
> Jason Sullivan wrote:
>> Hi folks! After talking to Zonn and looking through the archives,
>> this will probably sound like a familiar message.
>> I've been working the past little while or so on a Verilog HDL model
>> of the Cinematronics CPU. Started with the Armor Attack schematics
>> and Zonn's simulator and I've gotten to the point where instructions
>> are being decoded correctly and I'm close to getting the sequencer
>> working (which I know sounds strange, but trust me it makes sense.
> Makes a lot of sense to me, instruction fetch, decode and execute. In
> hind sight I should have done
> it this way, I would have at least gained some understanding of how
> the CCPU works as a state
> machine, however, I was impatient and tried to do it all at once.
>> Still wrestling with a reset problem), so I figured I'd ask Zonn a few
>> direct questions and ended up checking out the list to find that y'all
>> are a couple of weeks ahead of me (which I guess is good, since I'm
>> usually years behind on things like this) :-).
> I'm using the powerup signal to generate the reset. Powerup clears
> flip flop C8-B and generates
> a reset.The leading edge of watchdog pulse, "proceed" signal, clocks a
> '1' into flip flop C8-A,
> if flip flop C8-A isn't cleared by a cold start signal then the
> trailing edge of the watchdog pulse sets
> flip flop C8-B and generates reset. Another way of putting it, the
> first flip flop "enables " the second
> one unless cleared by cold start.
>> A few toolset stats: I'm doing this all on Linux, so so far I'm using
>> Verilog, the Icarus Verilog synthesizer/simulator, and GTK wave. I
>> haven't gotten to the point where I'm looking for vectors yet, but I
>> think I'm pretty close, and I'm still hand coding test cases. I
>> haven't done a gate estimate, but I'm betting it's not going to take
>> up much space at all.
> Wow, I take my hat off too you. I looked into using Linux a while
> back, but too steep a learning curve
> and not much in the way of schematic capture and pcb layout tools,
> stuck to Windows.
>> So, my question to you folks is this: Is there room for two of these?
>> Does that even make sense? Would you like my help on your current one,
>> Chris (I don't really know VHDL, though)? I'm more interested in
>> making a drop-in replacement board for the arcade machines, rather
>> than a vector to vga thing simply because I started this with the
>> intent of keeping the vector machines going.
>> Alright, back to prodding the sequencer.
> Sure, there's room for several versions, Ed has been working on a
> VHDL model for a while and is very
> nearly there. Omar has, I think a VHDL model, Chris Schalick has a
> Verilog model at TTL gate level.
> Unfortunately both Omar's and Chris's models crashed and burned so to
> speak. I've been crashing and
> burning for the last week, thinking I was getting near to something
> that worked, but it wasn't so.
> Zonn may be working on a model, I don't know, but without Zonn's
> excellent documentation of the CCPU
> instruction set I wouldn't have got to where I am now. Thanks Zonn :)
> I've got to the stage where I'm running rip-off on a TEK465 scope
> driven by a Spartan 3E starter kit !!!!!
> It's been running in attract mode for a few hours and occasionally I
> might flip the coin switch and blast a few ships :)
> I'm only plotting vector start points as I haven't got around to
> brewing up the analogue section yet. The display
> doesn't look that great but what do you expect from an electrostatic
> focussed tube !!
> I've been comparing the TTL gate level model with my RTL model and
> found a few anomalies in the ALU.
> ADD and SUB work OK as expected, but the "load B" or L_bus opcode
> modifies the carry out. Carry is
> generated by the function (A or not B) plus (A and B) or (K or not L)
> plus (K and L), (see S181 data sheet).
> In most cases it probably doesn't matter and only effects the JNC
> instruction, however, I had to include it just in case.
> Still have a lot of work to do, have to update the vhdl simulation
> model and fix the rtl model so it simulates properly.
> Anyway, it's good to see a game running albeit a poor rendition an an
> analogue scope :)
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