R: Asterock anyone ?

From: vernimark <vernimark_at_vernimark.com>
Date: Wed Dec 02 2009 - 20:26:21 EST

hi andre, I'll forwad you email to a friend of mine that knows quite well
how asterock works.
I have an asterock pcb too, but I don't know what to say you.
Anyway are you sure DIP SWITCH are in correct position? Try X X X X X ON ON

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: owner-vectorlist@vectorlist.org
[mailto:owner-vectorlist@vectorlist.org]Per conto di Andre Huijts
Inviato: giovedi 3 dicembre 2009 0.15
A: vectorlist@vectorlist.org
Oggetto: VECTOR: Asterock anyone ?

Has anyone ever worked on an Asterock PCB ? Or maybe the MAME emulation ?

I've got a machine, and Andreas (he's on this list too) was kind enough to
have a go at fixing the PCB which succeeded, except he can't get the game
He checked all the inputs on the test screen, works fine. Slam-switch not
stuck high.

Any tip
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Received on Wed Dec 2 20:25:43 2009

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