Re: Space Duel Eproms

From: Franklin Bowen <>
Date: Tue Feb 09 2010 - 08:41:58 EST

I know the Williams ROM boards (Joust, Robotron, etc.) had a couple of
jumpers to switch between 2732s and 2532s. I would assume you can do
the same type of mod manually to your Space Duel board. See the
following docs for more info (jumpers W1, W2, W3, and W4):
(page 9, top middle looks like jumpers connect between A11 on the
address bus and pins 18 & 21 on the sockets)


On 2/8/2010 12:52 AM, Kevin Moore wrote:
> So I've some space duel boards that are missing the 2532 eproms. Is
> there a simple mod that can be done to the board to use 2732s Because
> I have a few 2732s. I'd hate to re-wire 6 eproms if I can avoid it.
> Just looking for a simple way to change these boards to use 2732s
> without having to completely re-wire the address lines, or buy
> expensive adapter boards.
> Thanks,
> Kevin

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