Re: working on a WG6100 HV

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Mon Feb 07 2011 - 11:07:48 EST

Andrew Welburn wrote:
> hey all.
> I have all the bits from a WG 6100 to sort out, but i do not have the
> tube... there is a problem on the HV and i'd like to work on it and
> test it
> out/fix it, i have heard things in the past about people working on HV's
> when they're live and not connected to a tube by putting the anode in
> a jam
> jar (or ceramic cofee mug!) for example... it does sound a bit crazy
> but its
> not unheard of...
> Whats the consensus here, borderline safe/unsafe? should i just try
> and find a 19"
> tube (i don't have any) and just hook it up so that the hv has a tube
> to energise at least? Or
> can i wrestle the live anode like the croc hunter catching a large
> agitated
> snake?
> --
> Andrew Welburn

Hi Andy,

I've tested many a HV unit on the bench using my old ceramic mug as the
anode shield. There really isn't any risk as long as you are not moving
the HV unit around while it is powered up! You do not want the cable to
pop out of the mug while it is live - so turn it off to move to a new
position, then back on to do next test...

There is no stored charge on the anode - no capacitor to hold it - so
the device is pretty safe to handle immediately after turning off the
power (watch for focus/screen voltages if any caps on those lines).

John :-#)#

John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9 
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