RE: Vector Nintendo Gameboy

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Fri Mar 18 2011 - 01:30:22 EDT

> So, as I see it. Gameboy->ZVG->Vector Monitor->instant coolness

I bet that yoke would make a really interesting sound. ;-)

The Vectrex guys have been using a sorta similar raster technique for a
while and the Vectrex deflection is at least roughly as fast as the WG...
Seems like it'd probably work. If he's running a ~15Hz refresh with 144
lines that's only a ~462us sweep rate ignoring retrace (which would be
nearly instantaneous with the electrostatic deflection in the scope). Might
flicker kinda bad on a CRT with normal phosphors?

I've been wanting to plug the little Atmel Xmega AVR audio visualizer I
slapped together last year into a vector monitor and see what it does. I
bet it'd work just fine-- the laser is *way* slower than a vector monitor.

(Did I post that here before? Not *too* game related, but it's definitely a
vector display. ;-)


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