Re: Mysterious shiny new deflection board in WG6100

From: Steven Winslow <>
Date: Wed Apr 20 2011 - 13:17:30 EDT

These guys probably have the tube you are looking for.  Here is a link to the B&W vector tube they have on EBAY right now.  They used to have tube for the WG6100 also.  Just email them....



-----Original Message-----
From: Alan McCormick
Sent: Apr 20, 2011 10:01 AM
To: ""
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Mysterious shiny new deflection board in WG6100

I'd rather have an original late-revision deflection board with an LV2000 daughterboard. Top-hat TO3s like the OnSemis are hard to kill and just about every failure mode for the K6100 has been documented. The devil you know...

This thread over @ KLOV has a source for rebuilt CRTs and a poster claims you can use a tube from a WG K4900 in a K6100 as long as you swap over the vector yoke.

I'd go warehouse hunting for an old converted machine with a dead K4900. Chances are you wouldn't have to pay much for it.

From: Xyla DuVal <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Mysterious shiny new deflection board in WG6100

Thank you for the identification.  Are these boards considered better
or worse than the originals?  I am finding conflicting information.
Basically I am wondering if its best to restore this monitor with a
tube that doesn't have a big hole burnt in the center, or just keep my
eyes open for a complete original 6100 with a better condition tube.


On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Jordan B <> wrote:
> Arcadeshop replacement deflection PCB.

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 3:08 PM, Alan McCormick <> wrote:
> Looks like the Arcadeshop K6100 deflection board they made a while back.
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