Star Wars auto centering?

From: Mark Jenison <>
Date: Tue Dec 06 2011 - 01:23:02 EST

Hi all,

This is more of an academic exercise than anything, but...

One thing that I've seen asked a lot about is "Why is my Star Wars
crosshairs off center when I start up the game?". It got me thinking...

A plug and play solution might be a small circuit board that sat between the
yoke connector and the harness connector that constantly monitored the pot
values, storing away the max and mins (A/D converter) to battery backed ram.
Turn the game off. Turn the game back on, and after a short delay, the
circuit board would automatically output the mins and maxes that it had
stored (D/A converter). That'd mean it would have to temporarily block the
actual pot values from going to the board.

Of course, this gets all messy if the Star Wars auto calibration logic only
works during game mode; then the board would have to know you're in game
mode, and the user would see a "ghost" moving their controller for a few

Yeah, it's late :)

Mark Jenison
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