Re: Tempest repair problems

From: matt <>
Date: Tue Jan 03 2012 - 18:07:53 EST

i had this.. the dac 6012 was dead :(
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Kevin Moore
  Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 10:16 AM
  Subject: Re: VECTOR: Tempest repair problems

  Well your y has no swing. So that's your problem area. Check ac volts on the tl082 outputs to start narrowing it down. Also check your -+ 15 volts

  On Jan 3, 2012 3:12 PM, "Rich Harkoff" <> wrote:

    Hi Kev,
    With game in test mode X out has 3.7volts ac, Y out zero volts ac. Don't have a scope nor access to one.

    BTW, OT did you see the tongue-in-cheek article from "The Onion" on Cowboys releasing Jerry Jones?
    See here,2815/
      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Kevin Moore
      Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 2:19 PM
      Subject: Re: VECTOR: Tempest repair problems

      What are the AC voltages running on the X and Y output. Do you have a scope to put on the outputs?

      If you do, have a look at my page showing your wave forms with the diamond pattern in test.


      On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 1:22 PM, Rich Harkoff <> wrote:

        Hello and Happy New Year,

        Looking for any suggestions on a fix for a spare Tempest boardset. I got this and several other PCB’s for free from a local Op who was cleaning house, when I plugged it in my game there was no Y output, found that C13 was bad, replaced that and now I have voltage swings on both X&Y outputs. Someone replaced all the TLS082 chips and I verified that they are good. So here is where I'm at, 6100 fully functional, all voltages on PCB correct, goes into self test, no tones heard except the 4 decending tones, game plays blind as far as I can tell. Spot killer "on" and when I turned up brightness momentarily to override it, the screen just showed a small red dot in the center.

        Thanks in advance for any help.

        Green Bay

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