RE: Omega Race Fun

From: vernimark <>
Date: Sun Apr 22 2012 - 10:37:20 EDT

Haha I agree :-)

Very nice!



[] On Behalf Of Jeremy Abel
Sent: domenica 22 aprile 2012 15.57
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Omega Race Fun


Aw, it's like a family portrait! Nicely done!

On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 7:08 AM, Mark Capps <> wrote:

Those look new, impressive.


On 4/22/2012 3:18 AM, Andrew Welburn wrote:

nice work!

Andrew Welburn

On 22/04/2012 03:22, Total Impulse wrote:

Back in January, I finished up work on three Omega Races - an upright,
mini, and cocktail. I couldn't resist the opportunity for a group photo
op. I did my best to recreate the arrangement from the original Midway
flyer. (even though that was almost certainly a composite and not an
actual single photo)

As I shot photos, I wondered if having three working Omega Races
concentrated in one location would violate some rule of the cosmos. I
kept expecting a meteorite strike to take out my garage in an attempt to
balance the scales of probability. I'm pretty happy with how my flyer
recreation turned out. I spent about an hour and a half setting it up,
tweaking it, and taking photos.

It's not an exact match on the angle and perspective. In particular, the
cocktail game looks really small on the flyer. If I could have been
about 50 feet from the games, shot with a longer lens, and been up a
couple feet higher, I think that would have looked a little more like
the flyer. However, I was limited by the size of my garage. I just wish
that I'd had a better photo backdrop than my garage door with a couple
of old sheets hanging on it.

Photos of all three:

Photos of the cocktail:

Photos of the upright:

Photos of the mini:

Owning three Omega Races was a bit silly (and made me feel a little
guilty), so I have since sold off the cocktail to another collector.

And, no, I didn't feel any strong urge to acquire the cockpit version
too. <grin>

And also, a free plug for Bill's ORDS. I installed one in both the mini
and upright.


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