RE: Quantum harness repro - long shot

From: Joseph Magiera <>
Date: Tue Jul 10 2012 - 10:29:39 EDT

I want to be clear here, I have nothing against Dokert.  I've bought products from him in the past and have been completely satisfied.  I just know he mentioned these long ago and it doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon.  We're talking a few years here, not a few months.  Plus I like the idea of a commerically mass produced harness.


--- On Tue, 7/10/12, Barry Shilmover <> wrote:

From: Barry Shilmover <>
Subject: RE: VECTOR: Quantum harness repro - long shot
To: "" <>
Date: Tuesday, July 10, 2012, 9:12 AM

I know Dokert.  He is a good friend.

I can ask him when he thinks he will get to them.


Sent from my Windows Phone

From: Joseph Magiera
Sent: 7/10/2012 5:57 AM
Subject: VECTOR: Quantum harness repro - long shot

For those of you that read KLOV, there's a guy there (Dokert) that hinted a couple of years ago he might repro a Quantum harness.  He has had some health problems and has many other projects.  I don't think he'll get to this for several years if ever.
I have found a commericial place that will repro a harness to industrial standards.  Every harness is tested, not just one or two random ones in a bunch.  Every wire is pull strength tested.  They do a lot of military work (more than 50% of their business).  I was very impressed with the place on a walk through.
I'd like to repro this item, as I've got two machines myself that could use it and since many Quantums were converted and de-converted, the harness is the absolutely impossible piece to find.  I know one can be hacked together (as I have on mine), but I'd like to have an unhacked harness.  Plus, I'd like to extent the monitor connection so that you could easily test other monitors.
So here's the long shot, would anyone that has an unhacked harness be willing to remove it from their cabinet and loan it to me?  I'd work out some kind of compenstation with you.  FYI, this place is local to me and I would be physically driving it there and picking it up.  Other than you mailing it to me, it would never be mailed or shipped around to anyone else, so it would not get lost in the mail.  I am looking for the whole harness (except for the control panel), the main wiring harness and the portion that goes from the transformer brick to the marquee light, which I believe (but not sure) is actually a separate piece.  As to a time frame, it is not a quick process.  I'm guessing it could be as long as six months.
If interested, please contact me privately off list.  If you might be on the fence about this, please, please contact me and lets see if we can work this out.  I'm sure I'm not going to get a lot of people taking me up on this, so you might be the only one willing to help this project out.
If it's commerically successful, I might be willing to try Major Havoc next and I won't even have to ask for donors.  I'll use my own.

Joe (joemagiera at ameritech dot net)
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