Re: Sidam Asterock wont coin up

From: Andre Huijts <>
Date: Fri Nov 02 2012 - 03:37:46 EDT

Thats Brilliant Steve. Sounds like I have to get my PCB out of the Asterock :)

Will post my results ASAP. Thanks !!!!!

Op 1 nov. 2012 om 21:22 heeft vectorlist-steve <> het volgende geschreven:

> Below is the Asterock free play patch which required only the sidamas.2 rom be modified for the hack to work. The code has been successfully tested in mame with a handful of plays and it is functional. YMMV on actual hardware so let me know if you encounter an issue and I will take a second look.
> The sidamas.2 rom is the only rom which requires modification and is mapped between 0x6800 and 0x6BFF on the Asterock hardware.
> Old Code:
> 0x68ED LDY $6F ;// credit count is stored at 0x006F
> New Code:
> 0x68ED LDY #$02 ;// load y register with value of 2 credits
> Using your favorite hex editor, modify the sidamas.2 file beginning at offset 0x00ED and replace the following two bytes:
> 0x00ED 0xA4 ==> 0xA0
> 0x00EE 0x6F ==> 0x02
> Fluke 9010 checksums for in circuit verification
> Original sidamas.2 rom = 0x388F
> Patched sidamas.2.freeplay rom = 0x0DE3
> On 11/1/2012 1:44 AM, Andrew Welburn wrote:
>> That was my next thinking, some kind of patch to hit start and just jump right into a game... the romset it uses is the same as in Mame 'asterock' - verified in-circuit with crc-32's listed in the driver.
>> would be marvellous if its just a 1-2 rom exchange to do this..
>> Andrew Welburn
>> On 31/10/2012 19:39, vectorlist-steve wrote:
>>> Which version of the Asterock roms are you running? Although not a fix,
>>> I might be able to send you a free play patch as a temporary workaround.
>>> On 10/31/2012 8:20 AM, Andrew Welburn wrote:
>>>> as expected.. it didn't work in the cabinet... So its currently in limbo.
>>>> Andrew Welburn
>>>> On 30/10/2012 18:04, vernimark wrote:
>>>>> What about this ASTEROCK in the end? I’m curious
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> *From:*
>>>>> [] *On Behalf Of *Andrew Welburn
>>>>> *Sent:* sabato 13 ottobre 2012 1.22
>>>>> *To:*
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: VECTOR: Sidam Asterock wont coin up
>>>>> As mentioned in a previous post, you need 23v DC unregulated to trigger
>>>>> the inputs 5v won't do it.. 12v just about does it, but I'm using the
>>>>> proper 23vdc for the inputs...
>>>>> The schems and wiring diagram are scanned and online, you'll see how
>>>>> it's wired on there, I have it all correct...
>>>>> I might just end up sending the Pcb back to the owner to try in his cab,
>>>>> but there is no reason this shouldn't be working on the bench the way I
>>>>> have it wired, hence my post...
>>>>> Sidam also uses this wacky 23v for inputs on Explorer and Missile
>>>>> Storm.. I haven't looked at my Sidam centipede, but I bet that does too,
>>>>> those wacky Italians.
>>>>> Andrew Welburn (mobile)
>>>>> <>
>>>>> On 12 Oct 2012, at 22:48, Andre Huijts <
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hey I happen to own a working Asterock :)
>>>>>> I remember that this has puzzled Andreas who fixed my Asterock
>>>>>> boardset too. He repaired it up to working attract mode but couldn't
>>>>>> coin it up whatever he tried. In the end, he just shipped it back to
>>>>>> me in the hope that it would just work in the cabinet. Which it indeed
>>>>>> did, and still does.....
>>>>>> The inputs of Asterock expect a +5V instead of a shorting to the GND
>>>>>> !! However, we knew this but still Andreas couldn't credit it when he
>>>>>> shorted +5V to the inputs.........
>>>>>> I never investigated it further because works in the
>>>>>> cab....:)
>>>>>> I do assume you have the schematics ?
>>>>>> Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPad
>>>>>> Op 12 okt. 2012 om 23:35 heeft Andrew Welburn <
>>>>>> <>> het volgende geschreven:
>>>>>>> Yes indeed, all roms verify with the ones in Mame. Verified
>>>>>>> in-circuit with crc32's.
>>>>>>> Andrew Welburn (mobile)
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> On 12 Oct 2012, at 22:06, vectorlist-steve
>>>>>>> < <>>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Andy,
>>>>>>>> Have you verified your roms/eproms ?
>>>>>>>> On 10/12/2012 2:02 PM, Andrew Welburn wrote:
>>>>>>>>> All inputs operate properly, slam, diag step, test, hyper, rot
>>>>>>>>> left, rot right, thrust fire, start1, start2.. Each one beeps as an
>>>>>>>>> input in test mode, as well as reads properly at its correct
>>>>>>>>> address through the cpu socket (on my fluke) none are stuck...
>>>>>>>>> Andrew Welburn (mobile)
>>>>>>>>> <>
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