Re: Sidam Asterock wont coin up

From: Brien King <>
Date: Sat Nov 03 2012 - 03:54:08 EDT


I can host the files for you if want.

Brien King
Visit the Arcade Restoration Workshop @
Home of Cart Commander, the Ultimate Cartridge Cataloging Utility!
Friday, November 2, 2012, 10:53:09 PM, you wrote:
> vectorlist-steve wrote:
>> Excellent John!   This looks like the bulk of the old fluke archive 
>> that disappeared from the flippers site a while back.
>> I am downloading the floppy images now and will report back the 
>> results.  Thanks again for posting this.
> I ran out of space on flippers, and was offered space on 
> going to mirror it to a second site, but, well, 
> haven't heard of any problems, so not going to do that for the moment.
> John :-#)#
>> On 11/2/2012 5:28 PM, John Robertson wrote:
>>> William Boucher wrote:
>>>> Just a suggestion, someone should make a set of iso files of the 
>>>> floppies and post them somewhere, you know, before the disks go bad 
>>>> and you're sol. In this way, a program like "PowerISO" or similar 
>>>> virtual drive manager can read/mount the files without the PC even 
>>>> having a physical floppy drive.
>>>> William Boucher
>>> Hadn't been following this thread..
>>> Yes, there is a Fluke archive, along with many other test equipment 
>>> tools software (FTP site) - much discussion about the 9100 
>>> floppies.hard drives, software... in years gone by, but all are 
>>> archived.
>>> And a running mail list to talk about them now:
>>> Techtoolslist mailing list
>>> FTP site is:
>>> Archive site:
>>> John :-#)#
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