
From: Dave George <>
Date: Thu Apr 27 2000 - 16:39:18 EDT

  How's that for a subject? =) I was wondering if the newer shooting
games (House ofthe Dead, Area 51 and such) were "plug-and-play" pcb
sets? It seems they should fall under JAMMA, and since most of the
controls are the same (in principle) they should be able to swap back
and forth. The reason I wonder is that I never seem to see very many
gun conversions, or boardsets themselves available. I would just like
to know, as I want at least one shooter in the game room, but I'm
having trouble picking which one. =) Thanks for the info, later.

                                        Remy LeBeau

  The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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