TECH: Ms. Pac Man reset problem

From: Bryan Kruzynski <>
Date: Sat Mar 17 2001 - 22:09:11 EST

My Ms. Pac has a problem. The screen comes up as mostly dots. No sound, no

What I've measured:
   4.93 volts on the TTL chips on the mainboard (slightly less on the aux board
   Reset line on CPU (Pin 26) is normally high... SW1 has no effect on CPU Pin
   Pushing SW1 causes Pin 9 @ 9C to go low
   Pushing SW1 has no effect on Pin 15 @ 9C (it's LOW no matter what)

   9C (74161) Measurements
      Pin 1 - changing state ( .466 Mhz )
      Pin 2 - changing state (varying frequency)
      Pins 3, 4, 5, 6 - high
      Pin 7 - changing state (1.5 - 3Mhz)
      Pin 8 - low
      Pin 9 - high
      Pin 10 - high
      Pin 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 - low
      Pin 16 - high

I've narrowed the problem down to 9C or one of it's inputs (I think). I'm
hoping someone with more knowledge and experience will comment on the above.
Pin 2 @ 9C's input seems very strange to me.

Thank you very much.

Below I've included pinout of the 74161 chip.

74161, 40161
4-bit synchronous binary counter with load, asynchronous reset, and ripple
carry output.

/RST |1 +--+ 16| VCC
 CLK|2 15| RCO
    P0 |3 14| Q0
    P1 |4 74 13| Q1
    P2 |5 161 12| Q2
    P3 |6 11| Q3
 ENP |7 10| ENT
GND |8 9| /LOAD

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