Re: Joystick question

From: tom mcclintock <>
Date: Wed Dec 05 2001 - 18:42:48 EST

The short answer is... You cannot. Up until a year ago, Wico still had
long-shaft sticks. I know because I ordered some out of their outdated
catalog, and instead of red ball sticks, I got Purple (or was it
blue...). Anyway, I called to complain and was told that they had many,
many long-shaft joysticks in all colors BUT red.

Then, Wico sells most of their back inventory to some Russian guy
(someone in Chicago please correct me) and that guy has since

If it helps, I will make a quick diagram of the 'correct' shaft
dimensions so you can spot some used ones.


Mit Matelske wrote:
> I know this is a ridiculous newbie question for someone
> who has been tinkering with these things for as long as
> me, but where can I get some new joysticks for my
> Robotron. I just need the shaft (long one with red ball).
> Thanks for any help,
> Mit Matelske
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Received on Wed Dec 05 18:20:48 2001

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