Millipede monitor weirdness

From: Joe Magiera <>
Date: Tue Feb 19 2002 - 00:01:41 EST

Working on two crummy Millipedes, trying to switch parts to make one
somewhat decent one. One machine has a monitor (A), one doesn't (B). I
test both boards in both machines. Both work fine on A and play blind
on B. Try both audio reg boards on both and same results. Try even
both transformers on both machines. All fine so far.

I notice that both harnesses have two plugs where the video signal would
plug into the monitor; a white plug, hand labeled "A" and a red plug,
hand labeled "B". The A machine used the white plug and worked fine.
So I plug the monitor from A into B on the white plug and garbage on the
screen. Dang! Just for fun, I plug the red connector in on B and it
works fine. So I try the monitor again in A on the red plug and garbage
on the screen.

The owners manual doesn't mention anything special. I looked at the
schematics, but I admit, I didn't do too well here. What is the
difference in plugs? Why would the same monitor only work on the white
plug in one machine, and only work on the red plug in the other?

Can anyone explain this one? Thanks,

joemagiera "atsign"
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