Re: Q*bert variation?

From: Brian Deuel <>
Date: Wed Mar 27 2002 - 23:28:03 EST

One can go right to the source and ask Warren Davis. I think he still works at Disney Interactive.


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On 3/27/2002 at 10:19 PM Joe Magiera wrote:

>Can anyone that might have a Gottlieb contact/connection (hint: Tom M.)
>try to verify if "Snots And Boogers" did indeed exist as a proto Q*bert
>and maybe these ROMs are out there somewhere, or get us a verification
>that it's really just "urban legend".
>If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out the KLOV entry for
>the name.
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Brian Deuel

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Received on Wed Mar 27 20:47:27 2002

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