70's Midway board problem

From: Matt Rossiter <rossiter_at_ni.net>
Date: Tue Apr 23 2002 - 17:11:35 EDT

Hi there. You can tell when I'm having a party coming up when I ask all
kinds of 'fixit' questions so I hope nobody minds.

I'm working on a Midway Double Play (1977) that has an intermittant ram
problem. Using the Fluke 9010a troubleshooter - I'm finding a problem
at bit 12. This is probably a really basic question, but how do I
determine which chips correspond with bit 12?

There are 16 2107B chips on the board.

Bit0 - Bit0
Bit1 - Bit1
Bit2 - Bit2
Bit3 - Bit3
Bit4 - Bit4
Bit5 - Bit5
Bit6 - Bit6
Bit7 - Bit7



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Received on Tue Apr 23 14:25:00 2002

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