Re: Williams Power Supply Question

From: Dave Langley <>
Date: Tue Dec 31 2002 - 14:47:24 EST

At 06:06 pm 31 12 02, you wrote:
>This should be a pretty simple one. When you hook up a Williams game to a
>switching power supply, will it work ok without hooking up the -12v unreg?
>I've never hooked up a switching power supply to a williams board - what do
>you do about the -12v?

Just use -5v, I use this on my test bench and in 40 or so boards it has
always worked (well when the boards are fixed anyway!)

Use the power wiring from here:

One thing you will have a problem with when using a switcher is the coin
door controls (advance, auto/man, HS reset and coin). Often these will not
work since their ground comes from a different part of the linear PSU. To
fix this you need to tie the ground for these switches to the ground from
the switching PSU.

Dave Langley

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Received on Tue Dec 31 12:04:30 2002

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