Re: System 1 main board.

From: Richard Gopstein <>
Date: Sun Jul 13 2003 - 10:48:46 EDT

See what gets hot... There aren't too many things on a PC board which
can take 5 amps for long without melting.


SteveT wrote:

>Anyone have experience with Atari System 1 main boards.
>I have a roadblasters here that the power supply toasted. And for good reason.
>I disconnected the "cartridge" board applied 5v to it and it draws like 1.5 amps,
>probably normal.
>But the main board loaded my 5v lab supply (5amp). I connected a Switching supply 15amp output and it loaded that as well. I have about 4v on the 5volt rail.
>It's obviously not a dead short .Is there anything common on this board that shorts?
>Isolating this may be a problem since most everything on the board is soldered and connected to the 5v one way or another.
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Received on Sun Jul 13 10:41:34 2003

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