Dig Dug - No 6 MHz, Schem's Don't Match

From: Tim Tewalt <tim_at_tewalt.com>
Date: Wed Jul 16 2003 - 14:06:49 EDT

I have a dead Dig Dug board. The 18 MHz clock looks OK, but I have no 6 MHz clock. I tried looking up the circuit in the schematic set I have, but none of the part locations match the schematics (SP-203).

The board I have looks like the ones currently for sale on ebay:


This board does not match the layout of the one in the manual (TM-203).

So, do I have a bootleg board? The board does have a "UR" serial number, but the ID text doesn't really look like the traditional Atari font, etc.

>From the test point, I traced the circuit back with my ohmmeter to a 74LS04 and 74LS107; and these match the parts in the circuit in the schematic. However, I'd like to be able to isolate the loads on that line before replacing. Does anyone have a set of schematics for these boards?

Thanks for any information or advice.


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Received on Wed Jul 16 14:07:07 2003

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