Turkey Shoot help?

From: joemagiera <joemagiera_at_ameritech.net>
Date: Tue Aug 05 2003 - 08:54:22 EDT

I'm hoping the great minds of the vector list also subscribe to the
rasterlist and can help guide me in this repair effort. I'm hoping this
list even works.

I've had a Turkey Shoot for a while that has been working 100%, both in game
play and all diagnostics. FYI, Turkey Shoot's board set up is similar to
Joust 2, Mystic Marathon, Inferno, etc., one large RAM board, and one large
ROM board, and one small interface (sound?) board. There also is normally a
power supply board, but I am running this game off a Bob Robert's Williams
switcher. Turned the game on a couple of days ago, and it constantly is
resetting. It's not even getting a chance to go back through the rug
pattern before it resets again. It will not go into test mode either at
this point.

I had another untested boardset, and here's the troubleshooting discoveries
I've been able to make so far:

-At the power supply, the +5 and +12 are right on. The -5 is a touch
low, -4.5 (with no load). However, I strongly suspect it was the same
voltages when it was running correctly.
-Reseated all socketed chips on all boards
-Resoldered all connectors on all boards
-Through some substitution with the other boardset, it appears the problem
lies with the ROM board.
-The second ROM board came up, but with several problems too. I think
there's a better chance to fix the first one at this point (if only because
I know the first one worked 100% before whatever happened to it happened).
-I switched out all socketed chips between both ROM boards, and the game
still constantly resets.

I have not moved this game around, or bumped it or had any power surges (my
games are unplugged when not in use). Anyone have any ideas what to look
for, where to go next? Any help or ideas would be much appreciated.

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Received on Tue Aug 5 08:57:45 2003

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