Re: Space Invaders Monitor

From: tom mcclintock <>
Date: Sun Dec 12 2004 - 10:04:56 EST

My vote is for Rodger's first suggestion - the mirror.


Rodger Boots writes:

> I haven't said anything real stupid on here for a while, so here's some
> weird suggestions:
> Bad mirror (or installed backwards, or needs cleaning). Does the actual
> picture on the monitor look bad or are you looking at the picture from the
> mirror?
> Overlay yellowed with age causing a dim picture? Does taking it off help?
> Transformer configured for wrong line voltage?
> 5 volt power supply low (could cause video drive to be low).
> You seem to be going the electrical route and I'm suggesting the problem
> could be optical (tube putting out but things between the tube and you
> dimming it).
> Matthew Rossiter wrote:
>> I have a midway Space Invaders game working 100%. The only thing is, the
>> monitor doesn't seem as bright as it should be. I can turn up the
>> brightness pretty high, but the characters quickly loose their sharp
>> definition. At one time I had another Space Invaders with a perfectly
>> bright and sharp picture so I swapped the entire monitor and tube and put
>> it into the my cabinet but I still have the exact same problem. So the
>> only two culprits are either the wiring or the power supply. I've even
>> tried swapping the motherboard back and forth. The tube has been tested
>> and is very good.
>> So, I can't imagine the isolation transformer would cause monitor
>> dimness.
>> Perhaps a bad ground from the power supply to the monitor?
>> Any suggestions?
>> Matt
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