Re: Pole Position displays just a blue screen ?

From: Tom McClintock <>
Date: Mon Sep 12 2005 - 12:50:00 EDT

Hey Chris,

You should wait and see if that guy on RGVAC will make his Pole/PP2
multigame PCB. Then your problems will be solved ;)


Christopher X. Candreva wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Sep 2005, John Robertson wrote:
>>>Unplug ARs and see if rectifiers under chassis or big blue is shorted.
>>Yes, this you can do with an ohm-meter - save on fuses...a good capacitor
>>should show a low resistance, changing to a high resistance over a number of
> Will do.
> The computer PS is looking like a better option, especially since I have
> those and no fuses. PP doesn't have any weird voltages, 5V for the board,
> the 6.3vac for the lamps should work at 5dc also, which leaves the lockout
> coils, and I would think 12v regulated is a good replacement for 10.3 unreg.
> That leaves a two-channel audio amp (which I happen to have), and the
> isolation transformer for the monitor. I can either leave the old
> brick in place, or (I assume) replace with something smaller that isn't
> transforming power I don't need.
> ==========================================================
> Chris Candreva -- -- (914) 967-7816
> WestNet Internet Services of Westchester
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