Tron CP issue

From: <>
Date: Wed Nov 07 2007 - 16:21:56 EST

Hope this doesn't double post, but I was just reading that only subscribers can post to the list, so trying again. =)

from Kurt--
>First thing is can you go into self-test mode? (on the right side of
>the coin door frame). If not first thing I'd check is that J4-9 and
>J4-19 are connected to ground. If you can get into it can you use the
>stick to move between the settings?

Yes, self-test is accessible. None of the CP inputs register to the game. IOW, I can see the self test menu, but joystick/button inputs have no effect. J4 GNDs seem to measure good, as well as a solid GND measurement along the strap, from CP, to coin door to the cabinet.

from Kurt--
>First thing is to disconnect the inputs -- disconnect J4 and J5.
>Use a scope for DMM and measure between J4-9 and J4-3(UP). Do you have
>something > 4V? If not go check the resistor packs and caps. Then
>short it to ground. What's on the input to the 74LS244 -- did it go to

The schem would indicate that you meant J5-3 and across those pins the DMM reads ~4.3VDC on switch inputs at the header...goes to ground when physically grounded with a jumper. On the 244 the Logic probe shows a HIGH state and goes LOW with the jump to ground as well. I have not checked actual handling ATT.
As a note, when jumpering to GND, input registers with the program, expected result occurs. So this is sounding more and more like an issue in my harness (blech) which I will continue to dig into.
As always, thnx for all the help, and any further insight that can be provided.
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