RE: Carnevil monitor issues...

From: Sam Zehr <>
Date: Fri Oct 22 2010 - 19:34:54 EDT

Well, maybe I don't know the answer :)

Like you say, it could just be the monitor, so same symptom, different

However, the game was twitchy on a 35" with factory settings from the start,
and it showed up a lot more on the corners of the screen. The 'fix' was to
crank the Screen Flash Brightness all the way up. In addition, I seem to
remember the video voltage amplifier dealies (I'm not an EE) being weak on
that game, so we'd usually crank the monitor brightness all the way up to

Can't help you with MAME, I'm afraid


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of John Robertson
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: RASTER: Carnevil monitor issues...

Sam Zehr wrote:
> Wow, a question I know the answer to.
> Carnevil use a 'gamma flash' instead of a white flash, where the
> on the 3d video card was cranked up instead of just using plain white. The
> theory is you'd get some 'persistence of vision' in the flash, and it
> wouldn't be as jarring or epilepsy inducing as pure white.
> This caused trouble on the 35" monitors, which as you've seen, do not
> trigger the guns as well, especially since you are standing further away.
> Crank this up, and see if that helps
> Sam

Hi Sam,

Yes, we had played with the Screen Flash Brightness - tried multiple
settings both higher and lower - from around 25% up to 90%. Didn't help...

I tried holding the guns up against the screen as well as further away -
no success. The game does recognize the guns over most of the screen at
50% (and other settings) but the corners just seem to be too diffuse to
work, and there is no other way to calibrate the guns!

MAME might work as a substitute (run the 35" off MAME but use the
Ultimarc gun system which does not rely on the tube quality as it senses
the guns position relative to a group of LEDs (very clever that!).

However I haven't yet got a working chd image...

John :-#(#
> There should be an adjustment in
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of John Robertson
> Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 4:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: RASTER: Carnevil monitor issues...
> I have a conversion I am trying to complete which involves a Carnevil
> board & HD installed in a 34 in. cabinet The problem is the monitor
> (Sharp Image) is NOT sharp on the corners, and is even somewhat dimmer
> on the corners. Monitor has been recapped---no help other than the image
> looks fine for regular JAMMA boards, its just not good enough to sight
> in the guns.
> LCD screens do not work for normal gun games.
> I was considering resorting to MAME for this issue - however haven't
> been able to download a working image of the drive. Would be using the
> Ultimarc gun interface - looks plausible...and fully legal as we have
> the game board etc.
> Suggestions?
> John :-#)#

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