Re: Trying my hand at centipede

From: Kevin Moore <>
Date: Sun May 27 2012 - 12:18:58 EDT

Well that seems OK. Stumped why this thing won't run..
On May 27, 2012 10:26 AM, "Kevin Moore" <> wrote:

> Just realized you probably meant the IRQ it's ticking, but the flip flop
> that feeds it seems to have /irqres stuck high. Not sure if it's supposed
> to be that way or not. I'll probe that section.
> Kevin
> On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 9:40 AM, Rodger Boots <> wrote:
>> Did you look at the microprocessor interrupt pin?
>> On May 27, 2012 1:40 AM, "Kevin Moore" <> wrote:
>>> I've got a Centipede that just won't play.
>>> You can get it to show the highscore table, and a field of mushrooms.
>>> No attract screen runs.
>>> test mode does not indicate any errors.
>>> Can input coins but can't use p1 or p2
>>> So far
>>> Voltages good
>>> Rom tests good.
>>> Long Ram test good. 0000-07FF
>>> I did go through signature analysis since it was on the schematics,
>>> those check good.
>>> Replaced CPU and Pokey jic.
>>> Clocks appear good.
>>> This board was running, it had sync problems which were repaired, worked
>>> for a few months.
>>> :(
>>> Kevin

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