Anybody running GORF on an LCD monitor?

From: <>
Date: Sun May 27 2012 - 14:45:07 EDT


     I'm thinking of installing an LCD monitor in my Gorf UR. I need advice as to what is involved; sync cnversion, etc. Any help would be be appreciated!

Thank you,
Michael Kelley

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Moore <>
To: rasterlist <>
Sent: Sun, May 27, 2012 2:40 am
Subject: RASTER: Trying my hand at centipede

I've got a Centipede that just won't play.

You can get it to show the highscore table, and a field of mushrooms.

No attract screen runs.
test mode does not indicate any errors.

Can input coins but can't use p1 or p2

So far
Voltages good
Rom tests good.
Long Ram test good. 0000-07FF
I did go through signature analysis since it was on the schematics, those check good.

Replaced CPU and Pokey jic.

Clocks appear good.

This board was running, it had sync problems which were repaired, worked for a few months.



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