Re: RFI: 9000A-Z80 Pod EPROM

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Wed May 24 2000 - 22:29:30 EDT

<x-flowed>A little more digging...turns out that that is the checksum for the Z80-AA
pod, I guess it is essentially the same as the standard Z80 pod. Hmm, need
to take apart a few of my spare Z80 pods to figure this out better...time...

John :-#)#

At 06:07 AM 5/24/00, Fish, David wrote:
>Hi Folks,
> Has anyone archived the EPROMS inside the 9010A pods? I need
>someone to verify the checksum of mine or send me the image of
>thier EPROM. I've disassembled the code in order to understand the
>communication between the pods and mainframe but there are several
>instructions that just don't make sense. The EPROMS should all be
>archived anyway, they're getting to/at that age where the bits start to
> The STANDARD checksum that I get is: 785E
>Thanks in advance.
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  John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
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Received on Wed May 24 19:40:54 2000

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