2708 help - Data sheet, programming specs, other...

From: joemagiera <joemagiera_at_ameritech.net>
Date: Mon Jan 03 2005 - 18:33:37 EST

I own/use an EETools Top Max EPROM programmer. It's pretty versatile,
however it does not do 2508's or 2708's. I contacted their support and they
appear to be fairly customer responsive. They told me that they would
update/modify their software to support any device that the hardware is
physically able to do. I would like to take them up on their offer.
However I am having difficulties meeting their requirements of supporting a
currently unsupported chip type, which is:

I submit 2 of each chip type requested
I submit either documentation or web link, etc., of the data sheet and the
programming specifications of the chip types requested.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Top Max, they have went the route of
making it a manufacturer priority based device. That means they don't just
list 2732's, 2764's, etc.. They list the manufacturer first, and then the
exact specific chip number/type from that manufacturer. What that also
means on a new chip support request, is that the manufacturer of chips
submitted must be the same as the documentation provided.

Now for the help request: Can any of you identify the manufacturer of this
particular 2708:

As I look at the pics again, on the front pic, could that be an "S" to the
left of the 7812, which would stand for Signetics (now Phillips)?

If I can figure out the manufacturer, I can pester them for the data sheet
and programming specs. Even if they are long time non-supported, I've found
if you bother a company enough, they will usually eventually hand you off to
some old timer there that can dig up the info. But, if any of you might
have those documents on hand, and can scan and post or email, that would be
great. Thanks,


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