Re: Space Invaders

From: Phil Morris <>
Date: Fri Apr 15 2005 - 17:35:15 EDT


>Did you check the power levels with the Fluke pod in? Seems like I heard
>that it draws more power than the CPU. Also, maybe you have a weak component
>in the CPU circuit, since adding the pod changes trace lengths, power
>loading, etc. does it not?

Well, some success - seems that lowering the +5VDC line to +4.5VDC gets one
boardset to run via the Fluke - the other one still won't play ball though.

I'm wondering if it's something to do with the clock ..... the two
resistors that interface with the 7404 at 7B and the crystal are, according
to the schematics, supposed to be 330 ohms. However, on the boardset that
WILL work via the Fluke they are both 150 ohms, yet on the boardset that
won't work via the Fluke they are 330 ohms and 1K

I don't feel like experimenting with swapping them out right now, but maybe
this is the cause.

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Received on Fri Apr 15 14:37:09 2005

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