Re: Rare Fluke Z80QT Price

From: Martin White <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 2006 - 05:20:46 EST

I'd offer $100 plus shipping, but I'm sure someone else will offer more :o)


On 22/2/06 05:28, "John Robertson" <> wrote:

> I have one, and I'll offer you ten bucks for yours...(ducking). In
> reality it is probably worth something between $75 and $200US on
> eBay, a bit less to the folks here (we are a bit cheap - I'm speaking
> mostly for myself).
> The advantage to the QT is the quick RAM/ROM tests. It can provide
> you with a checksum for the ROM test (fast), or the signature
> (slower). And the RAM test can also be done much faster than the
> standard pod as it is done at the CPU speed and not the pod's link
> speed. Seems to me that a QT pod with an adapter could be used to
> test other CPU boards that aren't timing fussy and speed up the
> RAM/ROM tests a lot. Using the 9010 script generator is a real plus
> for this pod!
> If I'm not mistaken this is also a fast Z80 CPU and can thus be used
> on Z80B boards...
> The only 'issue' with the pod is that you DO need to use small
> scripts for it to work in the QT mode, it is thus of little or no
> advantage to use intermittently on just the odd board where you
> simply plug in the built in tests from the 9010A keypad. Personally
> I'd sell my Z80/AA pods before I'd get rid of my QT pod!
> John :-#)#
> At 10:38 PM -0600 2/21/06, Brian Oldenburger wrote:
>> What is a good price for a tested and working Fluke Z80QT pod? I
>> have one for sale and need to know what it is worth. Never seen one
>> on ebay. Anyone else have one?
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