Re: Fluke Pod parts

From: AL SACCO_comcast <>
Date: Sat May 27 2006 - 18:58:35 EDT

Re: [Techtoolslist] Fluke Pod partsHi John ,

4 star and aeri show someone out there with 13 pcs ....4 star want $33. per and aeri wont even look small of order.......
I wont destroy any pod for parts least not pressure but just looking.....
hope to when someone does come across some stock .....let me know....
digi-key ..etc .. I've tried them good.....
anyone out there have any easy ways to fix the tape drives on 9010 units.......


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: John Robertson
  To: Technical Tools Mail List
  Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 1:02 PM
  Subject: Re: [Techtoolslist] Fluke Pod parts

  Hi Al,

  Have you checked with They handle AMP connectors. Otherwise buy a cheap pod and strip that out. The 9900 pod is not very valuable...

  John :-#)#

  At 8:52 PM -0400 5/5/06, AL SACCO_comcast wrote:
    Looking for source on the long blue female amp connector in my 8080 pod...
    Amp date code 8141 p/n 86396-6 double row of 30......~5" long ~3/8 " wide....
    pod fits 9010 or 9100 fluke.......


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