Re: Fluke 9100 Woes, Memory Dip Settings Needed

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Sun Dec 24 2006 - 14:56:44 EST

At 2:00 AM -0500 12/24/06, Mark Hooks wrote:
>I just picked up a couple of 9100s with problems. One hangs up in memory
>test. I'm thinking it may not have the dip switch settings set up right.
>I've searched and searched but can't find the settings in the documentation.
>I'd appreciate it if someone could send them to me or point me to a manual
>that has them.
>The second one doesn't even get that far. It hangs up with no display and
>the Run UUT and Disk Access LEDs lit. Any ideas on how to get these running
>would be appreciated.
>Mark Hooks

If you have the CPU extension service board you can test the 9100s
with a working unit and a 68000 pod. I believe Art (fromny) has these
9100 series extension cards in stock - they normally came with the
unit when it was bought, but they tended to separate over time...

John :-#)#

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Received on Sun Dec 24 16:28:29 2006

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