6502 pod error code

From: Andre Huijts <a.huijts_at_upcmail.nl>
Date: Sun Nov 18 2012 - 16:13:34 EST


Something I noticed when checking once again my 6502 pod is that the interconnecting pins between the two boards seemed very loose on one side (the more near the lowest part of the pod).

I tried to connect them as tight as possible but the spacer near where the ground connection of the flat-cable is placed prevents it to fit really tight. I have a feeling there is still not a good/reliable connection between the boards this way.

When I connect it now and run the self-test I get this error:

Add line AB12 pin 22 not drivable

Neither the original pod manual nor the additional Pod info for the 9100 indicate this error code and what it means. It is clear enough I guess but what do they mean with AB12 ?

André Huijts

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