Re: Speech board idea...

From: Joseph J. Welser <>
Date: Thu Jun 26 1997 - 11:33:48 EDT

> You wrote:
> > Once that is finished, I can run it through Synopsys and map to FPGAs, so we
> > can have CCPUs on a chip! Heck, forget about multi-game sound boards, I can
> > make entire game boards with only about a half dozen chips! (Yes, I know that
> > the CCPU on an FPGA is by no means an original idea....)
> For goodness sake, stick a couple DACs and amps on the vector output while
> you're at it! I'd love to save cabinet space by being able to play cnma games
> in my Asteroids cabinet (or even Star Wars, for that matter)

        What I would really like to get my hands on are the schematics to the Boxing Bugs "B/W -> Color" card. I know Bill Paul was selling repros of the Boxing Bugs manual, but he said that that manual didn't have the schematics of that card in it.

        Then you could play Cinematronics stuff on a WG "Quadrascan" XY monitor.

        Hey Clay, weren't you working on Cinematronics -> G05 boards (at one tim, at least?)

Received on Thu Jun 26 08:35:56 1997

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